Discover why veganism is the best way you can help animals and support a healthy future for yourself and the planet using the resources below.
Watch Animals Australia's vision for a world without factory farming
Hear from multi-award winning actor Joaquin Phoenix about why he is vegan
Find out more about why we don't need milk for a healthy diet
Fight cruelty to cows and their calves and find out more about ditching dairy here and here
Take 60 seconds to watch the reality of factory farming
Watch Forks over Knives for a riveting account of how meat consumption not only kills billions of animals, is gradually killing our planet but generating avoidable diseases that are killing us too
Find information and recipes to get you started here:
Download the Veganuary Celeb Cook Book with recipes from Joaquin Phoenix, Beyonce, Madonna and more.
Find out about which wines are vegan and which are not. Be sure your favourite drop is not contaminated with animal products by ordering from Animal Active’s list of delicious, cruelty free wine here.
Join the biggest vegan party in November by celebrating World Vegan Day